Plated Modern Kitchen

restaurant marketing nashville

Our clients wanted to turn an existing lunch restaurant into a new dinner concept through a refreshed brand.

project type

Restauranter Lesley Harb approached us to rebrand one of her locations and to manage restaurant marketing for the new concept.

Lesley currently operated several lunch restaurants in the Tampa Bay area, and was struggling with one of the restaurants. Due to the location of the suffering store, she decided that the location would lend itself better to a dinner concept, and she set about creating a mouthwatering menu of home cooked entrees, locally sourced sides, and refreshing drinks to serve at her new spot. Plated Modern Kitchen was the area’s answer to freshly prepared, quickly served meals and we were stoked to be a part of the new concept.

Restaurant Marketing Plan

We started out by creating a restaurant marketing plan that identified all possible outlets for marketing and advertising. We addressed the existing customers from the previous concept with targeted email marketing, and we sought to draw in new customers with social ads that drove traffic to a landing page and an email collect.

We then devised a strategy that included a multi-pronged and comprehensive approach. The client decided to move forward with the email marketing and social advertising components, that we used to deploy a series of opening campaign promotions. The promotions were strategic in nature and focused on bringing in new diners, and encouraging repeat business. We were also focused on bringing in large parties of people, so we included targeted ads that sought to entice families and groups of friends.

Graphic Design for Social Media - Plated Modern Kitchen

Restaurant Marketing Elements

In addition, we created a buzz through various design elements including window paper to display during construction. The paper almost served to announce the new brand, while directing passers by to the landing page where they could sign up to receive a coupon. We also deployed a pre-opening social campaign to tease the new brand and to showcase the unique aspects of Plated.

To generate press interest, we crafted and distributed a press release that not only notified the press of the new opening, but created an emotional connection between the reader and the restaurant. The press release included copy and photos that could be (and were!) used by the press.

Plated Modern Kitchen - Graphic Design

Restaurant Materials

We also worked with our client to brand her restaurant materials. We designed a menu that illustrated the freshness of their food, packaging elements that would be used in store and for catering purposes, menu boards to be hung above the ordering area, business cards for the owner, coupon cards for events, a catering menu, a gluten free menu, and more!

restaurant marketing nashville
restaurant marketing nashville
restaurant marketing nashville

Restaurant Environmental Branding

In conjunction with the development and execution of the marketing plan and graphic design elements, we also worked with Plated to create an environment that would resonate with their customers and differentiate the space from their previous concept. We consulted on a newly designed exterior sign and we directed an interior design plan for the client to implement as budget allows.

restaurant marketing nashville
restaurant marketing nashville
restaurant marketing nashville
restaurant marketing nashville
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