Pinterest for Marketing: Boost Website Traffic & SEO with Pinterest Marketing

Voted #1 Best Branding Agency in Nashville, Brentwood & Franklin TN

Written by: Nice Branding Agency

Categories: Other Tips

At Nice Branding Agency, we wholeheartedly believe in the powers of Pinterest for marketing and search engine optimization. Therefore, we’ve summarized some key tips to help you boost your business using Pinterest for marketing. Wait, what? You aren’t harnessing the power of Pinterest for your business? Pinterest often functions more like a search engine rather than a social media channel, so you should definitely look into utilizing it to help boost your website traffic and increase your search engine rankings. Therefore, Pinterest works a lot like Google when it comes to typing in keywords, etc. Cruise through these tips before you get started.

Pinterest for Marketing: The Descriptions ARE Important

A typical Pinner simply pins and re-pins without bothering to change the description. No one really looks at those right? Wrong! If you’re using Pinterest for marketing, the descriptions are what draw people to your pins. Pinterest’s search engine favors pins and boards that have a specific description, rich with keywords (more on this below) so that searchers have an easier time finding what they are looking for. Make your description detail-filled, but not too long and keyword-enriched. Tricky, huh? Call us. Here’s a pro-tip. Make sure that your keywords are toward the front of your description, and include a call-to-action and a link to your website.

Pinterest for Marketing: Keywords Make All the Difference

Keywords are as good as gold on Pinterest. Not only do they help Pinners stumble upon your pins and boards, but they increase your chances of getting traffic to your site, because they increase views to your pin, thus increasing chances of a click to your site. So getting the most out of Pinterest for marketing’s sake can be as simple as flooding your profile with the keywords that will draw people to you (i.e. optimize, optimize, optimize). And we mean FLOOD. Put those little keywords in your profile name, profile description, board names, board descriptions, pins, image alt text, and image names. Basically anywhere you can possibly enter text, put keywords in. Again, just as when writing your descriptions, think of how that same run-of-the-mill Pinterest-er would enter keywords into the search bar, how THEY would be searching for what you are pinning — not how YOU would type it in.

Pinterest for Marketing: Don’t Pin Dump

It can be very tempting to simply spend an hour or two every week just pinning and re-pinning like a mad-person, trying to see results. This might be ideal for accumulating home decor ideas or stockpiling recipes, but that ain’t the way to use Pinterest for marketing! As inconvenient as it may seem, spacing your pins out and pinning consistently is the best way to see the best results. Don’t simply set out on a pin-a-thon whenever you get the itch and then go silent on your boards until another urge strikes. You have to maintain an active presence to get pinners to see that activity on a regular basis.

Pinterest for Marketing: Take Time to Interact with the Pinterest Community

Pinterest is most like a social media platform in that it has a built-in community of people with similar likes, interests, passions etc. This community manifests itself through the sharing of ideas and testing of projects and recipes through Pinning. Therefore, to truly be a success on Pinterest, you have to participate in that community by commenting on other pins, showcasing other Pinners through your Pins, and simply re-pinning consistently. Each time you interact, you are building upon your presence and potentially driving traffic back to your boards, which can ultimately lead to website traffic.

Pinterest for Marketing: Rich Pins are Gold

This tool was created to provide more information right there in the pin so that pinners know right away its legitimacy and can take action if desired. They can be used for articles, recipes, movies, apps, and most beneficially for products (as rich pins show the price). These types of pins can’t be used by all businesses, but they are highly recommended by Pinterest for marketing and boosting SEO, as they perform better in the search rankings.

Pinterest for Marketing: Get Creative

When pinning your own pins, keep in mind that the goal is to catch someone’s eye. Pinterest searches may technically be focused around the descriptions and keywords, but what pinners see first is the image. Think about what you can do to make someone want to click further. Focus on quality images, since not many will click into an old, dreary photo. And remember that Pinterest favors the long, vertical images, as they fit better in the Pinterest feed and get more attention. Pinterest strategies can be complex, and getting the right images can be tough. If you need a hand, reach out to Nice Branding Agency and allow us to set out a path to success when using Pinterest for marketing your business. Got questions, concerns, or inquiries? Give us Nice girls a holler!