Brand Story: Tell It Loud. Tell It Proud.

Voted #1 Best Branding Agency in Nashville, Brentwood & Franklin TN

Written by: Nice Branding Agency

Categories: Branding Tips

Ummmm. Yes. A brand story is necessary. If you’re wondering if you have one, you do, but you may need some assistance from a professional company, such as Nice Branding Agency, to use your brand story to properly intrigue, engage, and connect emotionally with consumers.

Brand Story: Why It’s Important

Brand storytelling is nothing new. It’s been around for ages. A brand story is a great way to establish a connection with consumers that goes beyond functionality and reaches an emotional level that piques interests to provoke action. Lately, brand storytelling has come into the forefront of business objectives. It’s become quite imperative to use your brand story to connect with your customer and continue to tell the story throughout the client relationship to maintain client loyalty. Today, even well-designed advertisements with no underlying brand story are being missed. Great brand stories speak louder than generic ads and are very hard for consumers to neglect or forget.

Brand Story: What It Is

Every company has a story to tell. You most likely tell it every time you meet with a potential customer or client, or hire a new employee. Currently, it’s probably more so felt through in-person brand experiences as opposed to written, self-service knowledge. A great brand story is born when you have the discipline to focus and develop your story into a well-crafted, emotional dictation that can connect with consumers when a ‘person’al connection is unavailable. Additionally, it creates an undeniable attraction that gets the call for more info from your last website visitor because you’ve tugged an emotional trigger that can’t be ignored.

Brand Story: How It’s Done

Initially, when developing your brand, it’s important to define who you are as a company and what are the company’s goals and foundational values. These are essentially the building blocks of the brand story. Determining who you need to connect with, what their pain points are, and how you will heal those pain points, are all facts that must be uncovered before the pages of the brand story book are written.

Brand Story: Bonus

The brand that can change your life is the brand that changes the lives of others. What can your brand do to change your customers’ lives? If you can answer that one simple question in a meaningful, truthful manner, we are fairly certain you’re on the road to success with regards to your business AND your brand story. Answer that one and you’ll get big kudos from us.

Brand Story: Back on Track

Once these basic building blocks are established and aligned, creatives can come in and work with fictional content to dictate and creatively cultivate your brand story. By no means does this indicate that a content creator can come in and fluff up your story and add untruths to your brand, but they can expound upon strategic objectives that remain rooted in the reality of your brand, products, and the industry.  
Be creative, but don’t stray too far from your brand promise. A great brand story will tell the story in a way that ultimately increases consumer emotional involvement in the brand.

Brand Story: Spread the Word

Expressing your brand purpose and telling the brand story can be done through many arenas. Your website, along with various social media platforms, such as facebook, serve as great outlets to get your story told, but you must practice discipline to create an environment within each platform that allows your story to come alive. You must develop a social media marketing plan to specifically deploy your brand story, and each post that is not directly related to telling that brand story must still align with your brand voice and brand purpose. Additionally, weaving the brand storyline into offline brand experiences and marketing initiatives is crucial. Your brand story should serve as the underlying theme for all advertising and brand support materials. Don’t only think big here. Think about the nitty gritty. You have so many opportunities to salute to your brand story through various customer touchpoints. Even the verbiage used on proposals and invoices is not too small to consider. Make it come from your brand voice and relate back to the story in some way, shape, or form.

Brand Story: Don’t Be Confusing

Not considering your brand story in all arenas related to business experience and marketing provides nothing more than a disjointed, unconnected set of words without meaning to your potential customer.
Confusion is the number-one killer of brand connection.
When telling your story, keep within your established brand personality. It’s very important that your brand personality be expressive and lifelike throughout your brand story. Can we say brand one more time? Maybe… after all, we are a branding agency.

Brand Story: Don't Be Boring

Oh, and don’t be boring. We get it. You’re a professional business and sometimes you think you need to be boring (for lack of a more non-boring word) to be professional. It’s way past the time to throw that expired bread in the trash. Boring professional businesses are dying. Their life cycle is ending and rebirth isn’t really happening. It’s time to move past that thinking, and step one is to breath a fresh, creative breath into your brand story. Check out some of our past work to see how we have weaved together professionalism and creativity.

Brand Story: Now

Ready to compose your brand story and creatively deploy it to gain sales momentum through various marketing strategies? Nice Branding’s “Let It All Hang Out” session is a great place to start. Let us uncover the necessary items that are key elements and ultimately craft a compelling story to provide an undeniable emotional connection with consumers. Let’s go!