Research + Discovery
Our client’s concept was one that had only a few competitors, which is a great thing. And also not that great. You see, when the market is wide open, you’ve got to put work into positioning. People may not have any experience with a product like yours, so you might have to spell it out for them. Luckily, we’re pros at positioning.
We started the Foundational Branding project like we do for every project of this type — with discovery. The distance between our offices and our client’s was no trouble and we scheduled a conference call to dive deep into the details. We wanted to understand the product itself, but also the why behind Bernadette’s passion to create it.
We talked through a gamut of questions, some simple and some more thought-provoking to get into the mind of the business owner. In order to properly position a business, we’ve got to get at what it offers, who it serves, and why it matters. We need to understand the value the business provides to its target, and how that value can be conveyed in a compelling manner.
Ultimately, we found that Bernadette was creating a product to serve women during their monthly cycles. The product was being designed to be a handheld, easy-to-open, uber-discreet feminine product disposal pouch.
We identified the target to be women (obv) who were ages 18 to 55 and had the disposable (no pun intended) income to be able to afford a personal care product that’s somewhat of a luxury. The tangible benefit to using the product would be increased privacy during a woman’s cycle, and a reduction in the visibility and anything else unpleasant associated with disposed feminine products.
However, we determined that the true and intangible benefit to the product would be an enhanced level of confidence for women of all ages throughout their monthly cycle. Women would be able to be worry-free while camping, while at a friend’s house, while having kids and dogs around their bathroom waste bins, and anywhere else they need to dispose of feminine products.