Owl Now Urgent Care

urgent care marketing

For this project, we rebranded five medical clinics for Raypar Medical Group, to bring brand awareness and overall cohesion to their medical corporation.

project type

Raypar Medical Group, which includes five medical clinics, approached Nice Branding Agency to help rebrand all of their medical practices, including their urgent care marketing and branding, before moving into their new facilities in Downtown Winter Haven. They wanted to bring brand awareness and overall cohesion to their medical corporation.

Naming and Logo

The urgent care clinic, NiteOwl Urgent Care, which focuses on pediatric urgent care, underwent the most change. First off, we were challenged to create a new name, keeping with the Owl, yet reflecting the new hours of the clinic. NiteOwl Urgent Care would now be open during the day, in addition to late night. Owl Now Urgent Care was conceived, and from that name, Nice Branding Agency created an urgent care brand that implemented an owl character, a clock and childlike elements. The final logo, including fonts, color, and overall style, was complimentary of the sister clinics that the company owned.

urgent care marketing
urgent care marketing

Stationery, Signage, and Apparel

Once the logo was finalized, multiple items needed to be reworked. Letterheads, business cards, promotional items, stationery cards, signage, and uniforms were all updated. In addition, a campaign was created to bring awareness and understanding of the change to the community.

urgent care marketing
urgent care marketing
urgent care marketing
urgent care marketing
urgent care marketing
urgent care marketing
urgent care advertising
urgent care marketing
urgent care marketing
urgent care marketing
urgent care marketing

Mascot Development

Nice Branding Agency took the urgent care brand a step further by having the brand brought to life through their very own mascot, Otis the Owl. Otis has his own social media life and frequently makes appearances at various community events.

urgent care marketing
urgent care marketing

Urgent Care Marketing Strategy

At the completion of the basic branding phase, Nice Branding Agency developed an overall urgent care marketing and advertising strategy for the clinic by researching and uncovering all current and past marketing efforts. Once everything was on the table, a well-thought-through marketing plan was devised and implemented, including necessary details and budgets.

On-Going Urgent Care Marketing Management

In addition to the traditional advertising method of newspaper, Nice Branding Agency managed all urgent care marketing & advertising efforts for the clinic including, but not limited to, social media marketing, email marketing, radio advertising, community events, transit advertising, outdoor advertising and much more. Over the course of time, Nice has been able to implement various tracking systems to keep reports on the methods of advertising and evaluate which systems are working and which are not, allowing for maximum return on investment for the client.

urgent care marketing
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