New Business Branding for Keith Williams and Associates
Here we are again! Another blog post, another Nice secret revealed. If you’ve been following along, you know that this is where we dive deep into our processes to provide you with inside information about how we do what we do. Today, we’re taking a look at what we call our New Business Branding Package.
After a team brand brief and strategy session, our girls created options for KWA that would serve him well for the next 10 years or so (logos aren’t timeless, ya know). We then narrowed them down to the best five and presented those to Keith. He selected a logo that was designed to be an acronym with design elements that wove his initials together in a way that was memorable and would work well in application.
Interested in a new logo for your biz? Click here to find out if it's time for you to say "yes" to working with a logo design company.
This is big time. There are SEO implications that play into your domain name and you better believe Keith wants to rank for Medicare Cost Reports.
Anywho, we secured the domain and completed the website for KWA. The site is a great representation of the brand and takes the customer journey into account in a big way. Throughout the website are well-placed calls to action that speak directly to the C-Suite execs at Critical Access Hospitals.
Did we mention that KWA offers a risk-free analysis? If Keith doesn’t find anything in the cost reports, the client doesn’t have to pay. This is a huge carrot, and we made sure the offer was showcased at the top right (prime website real estate) and throughout the site.
Today, we’re taking a look at what we call our New Business Package. We don’t typically dole out our services in bundles like this, but the New Business Package was born out of a need. We were increasingly being approached by potential clients with a dream to create a business of their own. They came to us with a concept that they’d dreamed up and planned out, along with the passion that only emanates from the heart of a true entrepreneur.What they were lacking though, was a brand.
And branding isn’t easy, people! The branding exercise for a new business can be a lengthy one that involves hours upon hours of strategy, followed by months of creative work. Yet when someone’s got a wealth of passion, but a bank account that’s just starting out, the time and investment pieces of the project sometimes don’t align with reality. You can take a peek at our branding work here! Always the problem solvers, the Nice girls stepped in. We wanted to be a part of making these dreams come true, and just like our founder knows, starting a business ain’t easy. We wanted to help! So, we put together a package that includes just what someone might need to get started. The bundle includes a logo, business card, and simple website. We don’t dip our toes in Brand Schemin’ before starting, and we don’t compile a comprehensive set of Brand Guidelines when it’s done. And if you wanna know what our Brand Schemin' projects involve, click here.KEITH WILLIAMS & ASSOCIATES
The project we’re talking about today was a New Business Package for Keith Williams & Associates. Keith is a consultant. He works with Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) — you can look that up; we had to, too — to minimize overpayments and maximize reimbursements on their Medicare and Medicaid Cost Reports. It’s OK if you have to read that last sentence again and let it sink in for a sec. Not that it necessarily pertains to this post, but let me break this down for you, just so you can say you learned something new today. Basically, Medicare and Medicaid provide reimbursements to these CAHs. Much like you might get a tax refund if you’ve crossed your T's and dotted your iI’s in all the right ways. Many of these hospitals are missing out on the refunds, either because they are filling out the forms incorrectly, or coding things wrong, or not providing the types of services that Medicare and Medicaid are looking for them to provide. So, here comes Keith. He does a comprehensive analysis of the situation (forms, services, etc., etc.) and figures out where the holes in processes and paperwork lie. He then patches those puppies up and trains the staff so that they can carry on getting reimbursements long after Keith is gone, sitting on the beach sipping something cold. There’s more to it than that, and if you really want the skinny, you can read up on Keith Williams & Associates over on his shiny, new website. More on that later. When Keith came to us, he needed the whole shebang. With a new business package, we set our clients up for success with a custom-designed logo, matching business card, and WordPress website.NEW BUSINESS BRANDING | LOGO DEVELOPMENT
First, we have the client complete a logo questionnaire. This is comprised of about 15 questions that get to the bottom of what the client’s business is about and what needs to be communicated by their logo. For Keith, he wanted to communicate that he was experienced, trustworthy, and affordable. His questionnaire also revealed that his core audience is hospital C-Suite execs. So, we were tasked with creating an easily recognizable logo for Keith Williams and Associates that would speak to his target audience, while conveying his brand’s key characteristics.
We moved on from there to business cards, and created a card that was professional in appearance and provided all of the information a potential business contact would need in order to get ahold of Keith. We proposed printing these on a nice silk stock.

All the while, we were busy bees working on the website for Keith Williams & Associates. We started with a set of wireframes that showed our client where everything would live on his site. We then moved to the website design phase and created a look and feel that matched the brand we developed with the logo.Here’s where it gets interesting.
As part of the process, we helped Keith secure a domain for his website. What do y’all think would be the *ideal* domain for Keith? OK, yes. could be one, but that’s long, right?! So, we kept searching. And searching. In the end, can you believe that we were able to get the domain! OH YEAH.