Three Things Your Email Signature is Missing
These days, an email signature is almost as important as a business card. Did you know that there are more than 269 billion emails expected to be sent and received each day throughout the world by the end of 2017? You can probably relate, as you may be doing business with people throughout your state, across the country, and maybe even worldwide. These people may never get ahold of your business card, but they sure as sugar will see your email signature.
An email signature won’t break you, but it certainly could be a contributing factor to making you. Or at least making you appear like you have your ducks in a row. A well-designed email signature provides the recipient of your carefully crafted email message with a glimpse into your professionalism and encourages them to want to learn more.
There are so many directions you can take your signature, but the best sign-offs are simple, branded, and clickable.
I think we all know that your email signature should feature your name, title, company, and contact information, so we’ll skip to the good stuff. Here are three things your email signature might be missing: