Talent Recruiting Solutions

recruiting agency nashville

Heather Chambers, owner of Talent Recruiting Solutions in Franklin, Tennessee, hired Nice Branding Agency to create a business brand. We proposed our Prime Branding Package since it would include the best branding basics for a boutique firm, including a logo design, a supporting logo, a business card design, and a single-page website design. Under the Prime Branding Package, we create two complete concepts and present them to our client for selection.

Project Kickoff

We kicked off the project by initiating a discovery phase. For the Prime Branding Package, the discovery is done through a questionnaire that helps us ascertain key information about the business. While simple for the client, the process allows us to obtain deep insight into the inner workings of the business and the competitive landscape, as well as company offerings, differentiators, target audience, and more.

Like any other business branding project, creating the Talent Recruiting Solutions brand identity required that our team have a strong understanding of our client’s goals and a good grasp of her target market.

Talent Recruiting Solutions has two primary audiences.

Its first target is candidates, who are mostly Millennials. Secondly, the firm targets hiring managers, who are primarily corporate types. It was essential for us to develop a brand that would attract both groups. Overall, our goal was to create something polished and professional representing both the business and our client’s personal brand.

With this information in hand, we hosted an internal meeting to kick off the project by briefing our team on all of the ins and outs.

Brand Direction Brainstorm

As noted, the Prime Branding Package includes the development of two brand concepts. So, we started by brainstorming different directions that would achieve our goals for the brand. We determined that we wanted both concepts to convey polished professionalism, but with a modern, feminine touch.

Site Map Development + Approval

Since this was a single-page website, we simply jotted down the information that would need to be conveyed by the website. This list included Heather’s contact info, positioning statement, a quick bio, services, job listings, testimonials, and links to social media channels.

Additionally, we talked to Heather about hosting, offering her our professional website hosting package. This package includes the fastest, most robust WordPress hosting available, regular website backups, monthly updates of the platform and plugins, and daily monitoring. She decided to host the website with us, which would make it super simple to go live on launch day.

Ok, let’s get into the fun stuff.

Development and Finalization of Brand Concept Options

We created two brand concept options for Talent Recruiting Solutions.

The first option takes on an air of vintage femininity that’s bold and strong. The logo design for the first brand concept embodies the vintage appeal but does so in a modern way by pairing script font with an all-caps sans serif. A lightbulb icon is memorable and tells a story of strategy, conversation, and ideas.

recruiting agency logo design
recruiting agency branding
medical field job recruiting website

Under this brand direction, the business card design showcases the brand with a flood of color on one side and the main logo design. On the reverse, the crisp, clean business card layout communicates the information alongside the supporting logo design.

For the website, we proposed a gradient design to show off company information above the fold, while enticing viewers with a quick one-liner and call-to-action.

The second brand direction we proposed takes on a more soft, subtle approach.

medical recruiter logo design
job recruiting branding
talent recruiting website design

The main logo consists of all sans serif fonts assembled in a stacked manner with a circular treatment on the word, “talent”.

The supporting icon for this brand direction concept is also a lightbulb. However, this lightbulb logo design is more bulbous, its round shape mimicking the rounded treatment shown in the main logo design. Colors are soft pink and green, and a modern line of white runs throughout to add detail and define the design.

The business card design for option two includes the full logo on one side, and the business information on the reverse. The simple design is augmented with a highlight treatment on the name, which provides a touch of personalization and draws the eye to key info.

We leveraged the brand color palette to convey Heather’s polished yet approachable personality for this website design.

Our web designers implemented the aqua color in floods to draw attention to sections of important information. We used a blush color as a highlight on headlines and for buttons, and pure black for text and to ground the footer.

Additionally, we introduced a marble background for certain sections to provide dimension and convey a current approach to boutique-style professionalism.

The web fonts selected were primarily clean sans serifs, and iconography was straightforward and uncomplicated.

Presentation and Selection

Upon presentation of the two brand concepts, our client selected the second of the two brands. She felt that the soft, subtlety represented her personal brand well, and she was excited to see all brand elements finalized.

medical recruiter logo design

Logo Finalization

logo guidelines

Upon selection, our team finalized the logo and prepared logo files. In the finalization process, our Director of Design ensures that the type is perfectly set. At this time, we also select exact logo colors, including brand colors. These are noted in PMS, CMYK, RGB, and hex codes for web.

Business Card Printing

recruiting agency business card

For recruiters, business cards are essential. Networking plays a crucial role in meeting hiring managers and candidates, and part of networking is passing out business cards.

For Talent Recruiting Solutions, we printed the business card design on a solid 16pt, uncoated stock at the standard business card size. We selected the paper type and size strategically to make the printing cost-efficient while assuring the finished product would be a substantial and professional business card.

Website Design

job recruiting website design

For Talent Recruiting Solutions, we used the above-the-fold space at the top of the website to hook the user with the bold statement, “Turning Intentional Connections Into Meaningful Matches.”

Alongside the positioning statement is space for Heather’s headshot. This side-by-side approach works wonders in nudging users to put a face to a name and associate Heather with intentional connections and meaningful matches.

As the user scrolls down the website, they are met with a quick paragraph about Heather’s tenure and expertise, reinforcing her claim about making those meaningful matches. A call-to-action follows, prompting the user to contact Heather or connect with her on LinkedIn.

For those desiring more information, additional details follow, now targeting hiring managers and job seekers separately. Job seekers are guided to the job listings section (which is pretty slick, more on that below) while hiring managers can click to email Heather directly for personalized service.

The website’s featured listings section is a simple interface that shows three job listings at a time with navigation to scroll across to the following three listings. Each job listing includes the date listed, a quick job detail excerpt, the job location, and a button calling users to submit a resume.

We incorporated icons to represent the industries Heather serves, further niching her services and setting her up as an industry expert.

Finally, testimonials come in, providing social proof that Heather’s as good as she says she is.

Website Development

job recruiter website design

Our web developers custom-built the website on the WordPress Content Management System. By custom-developing WordPress websites from the ground up, we’re able to ensure clean code, proper heading structure, ideal image size, and other SEO-related best practices.

The final website was developed to mirror the approved website design PDF, pixel-for-pixel.

Website Launch

With the website development stage complete, we subjected the staged site to a thorough check of all design elements and functionality. We then provided the private link to our client for final approval.

Once approved, we launched the website on the domain www.talentrs.com.

Post-launch, our team completed a final check of all design and functionality to ensure that nothing was compromised during the launch.

Project Closeout

Finally, we recorded a training video to show Heather around the backend of her website. This video included step-by-step instructions on updating key content, including (and especially!) the job listings.

Additionally, we provided Heather with her logo files, including those in full color, black, and white, in PDF, EPS, PNG, and JPEG. She also received her final business card files and a backup of her website for safekeeping.

The Talent Recruiting Solutions Brand worked wonders in helping Heather project who she is and how she helps people, and we couldn’t be more honored to have been recruited for the job.

Ready for a Nice Brand?

If you’re ready to create a presence for yourself or your business that aligns perfectly with who you are and how you help, give us a call.

are you ready to create something nice?