Little Words Project

Little Words Project - branding strategy

Little Words Project was an existing brand that came to us for a refresh as they planned to redesign their packaging and overall connection with their customers. We worked through a brand audit and the subsequent alignment of branded materials before we moved into package design for their retail box.

project type
Little words project branding for packaging

Retail Box Design Strategy

After completing most of the elements of a rebrand for online retailer, Little Words Project, we set off to improve their delivery experience. As an online bracelet boutique, Little Words Project needed to ensure that when the product got to the hands of their customers, the experience was in line with everything else they had seen and heard related to the brand.

This consistency is what ultimately makes a brand memorable and magnetic, and without the cohesion, confusion sets in and the brand begins to disassemble. To create a powerhouse brand, everything’s got to be in line.

We decided that Little Words Project needed a modular approach so that they could build packaging, depending on the size of the order placed. This meant that we would create a box design for larger orders, a small cloth drawstring bag for smaller orders, and a powder-pink bubble mailer for the mailing of the smaller bag.

Additionally, the team at Little Words Project sent handwritten thank you notes with each order (!!) so we created a refreshed new thank you note card for their use. The outside of the thank you note proudly displayed the new tagline: register, wear, conquer, share. And the back of the card provided concise instructions for using the product.

Little words project logo design and branding

Retail Box Design

With the strategy in place, we moved into designing the beautiful box. The package was created to be eye-catching, and something that every social media savvy customer would be drooling over and ready to photograph for their feed.

The design incorporated the newly refreshed logo design, as well as the messaging, “Welcome to the Nice Girl Gang” along with social icons. Calls to action were implemented in the box design, calling customers to follow along on social, which is a primary marketing outlet for the brand.

Additionally, we incorporated the phrase, “a little word goes a long way” to further the position of the brand as it seeks to spread kindness word by word.

Little words project branding
Little words project branding for packaging
Little Words Project Brand Strategy

Project Closeout

The project wrapped up by having us send over the print-ready PDF files for our client to send over to her vendor for mass production. We embarked on several other projects as we worked to convey the new brand to her existing customer base through email design, social media design, and website design and development.

If you’ve got a business that needs branding or package design, we have a few little words for you. Give us a call and let’s talk it out.

are you ready to create something nice?