What Does a Branding Firm Do?

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Written by: Nice Branding Agency

Categories: Nice Work

So, what does a branding firm do, exactly? We come across this question from time to time. Sometimes from a potential client. Other times from a current client. And even from a team member - shocking! But true. We pour our hearts and souls into this business for our clients, so we do check ourselves periodically to ensure that we are 100% on track with doing exactly what we need to be doing.

First, What Is Branding, Really?

If this question seems familiar, that’s because we’ve already hashed this out on the blog. The term ‘branding’ might mean different things to different people. But, we will sum it up for you right here, right now. Branding is the compilation of anything and everything your business is putting out there. And how people perceive your business is based on those things. That’s your brand. It’s not just your logo. It’s not just your colors. It’s not your brand voice. It’s every little thing that contributes to the perception of who you are.

Let that sink in for a sec and if you want to dig in a little deeper, head to our blog that dives into what branding really is

Who Needs a Branding Firm?

If you’ve made it here to this post by clicking a link you came across somewhere in the interwebs, you probably need a branding firm. A branding firm is for anyone who wants to control and convey their perception.

Our clients are typically businesses who are looking to improve the way they are perceived. We also work with new businesses to build a brand from scratch.

We love doing both.

Rebrands are a unique opportunity to take something that’s been well-worn but is not working anymore and revolutionize it. This process requires a solid strategy. We don’t want to lose the brand awareness you’ve established. But we know what we create will be more in line with current trends. It’s amazing to see how clients and customers will give an old business with a new brand a new chance.

Creating a new brand is a different story. There’s substantial strategy required here, too. We’ve got to help you figure out who you are, who you’re trying to reach, and determine the best way to do that. Building a new brand and handing it over to our clients so that they can follow their dreams is such an honor.

Ok, so hopefully you have an idea of what branding is. Now, let’s talk about what a branding firm actually does.

A Branding Firm is Your Therapist.

Before we can start creating all the things that create this elusive *perception* about who you are, we’ve got to figure out who you are. And this isn’t easy. Are you able to sum up everything you are and everything you do in a neat little blurb? If so, kudos to you. If not, we feel ya.

As a branding firm, part of our job is to pull this out of you. We often start with a discovery consulting session that is part of our Foundational Branding process. Here we sit down with your key peeps and take a deep dive into the brains and heart of your organization. How did you start? What are your goals? Who is your target? Are you reaching them? Why? Why not? What are you passionate about? What are your biggest fears? These are only a few of the questions we pose when trying to get to the root of what you’re trying to do and why you may be missing the mark.

These sessions are truly cathartic. It’s like therapy for a business owner or operator. And often, these open-ended discussions bring to light either a confirmation of something that we or you assumed. Other times, they expose a missing link or a missed opportunity.

Either way, a branding firm can help you peel back the layers so that your next steps are the right steps.

A Branding Firm is Your Strategist.

Once we’ve uncovered who you are and how you want to be perceived, we can start figuring out how to get there. We'll do the research and put pen to paper to create a strategy. Our strategy will address what we want to say, how we will say it (verbally and visually), when we will say it, and what results we want to get. We will also put a plan in place for how we will measure those results. 

A branding firm is not a lead generation business, rather, we are looking for long-term solutions that will result in both brand awareness and leads.

A Branding Firm is Your Designer.

Alright, so now we have a plan. A branding firm will then create the design elements and brand support necessary to carry out the plan. In order to manage the perception of your company, we will start by creating foundational brand elements. These may include your logo, color palette, website, stationery suite, and more. Basically, we want to make sure that anything your customers experience conveys the brand.

A branding firm will often set the tone with the initial designs, and then create a brand guidelines book in hopes that anyone who works on materials for your company will adhere to the rules.

A Branding Firm Creates Value.

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again. It’s not just about creating pretty things. A branding firm will create value for your business that will translate into real results. We've written another article on the ROI on branding and it dives deep into understanding how a brand does create value. It's worth a read.

We will create a story for your brand and then communicate that out across all available outlets. We’ll help determine messaging that drives your goals, and we will serve as a sounding board for your senior management and marketing executives. We will run campaigns and garner results, which we will present to you in clear and concise reporting and analytics. This is synergistic.

The better your branding, the more your customers will relate, the better your sales will be, and the happier your execs and employees will be. Your team will be proud, which means they will provide better service, and the circle of life continues.

We’re not saying branding could save the world, but there are some pretty amazing brands out there making a difference. And we think you’ll agree that the branding didn’t hurt these guys. We worked on one of these, do you know which?






Anyhow, we know that you’re doing something that people need to know about. And all we’re saying is that a branding firm can help people see and feel all the good vibes.

Are you ready for a brand that will rock your socks off? Or looking to re-work what you’ve got going on with a rebrand? We would love to have a conversation with you to see if we’re the branding firm for you. 

Check out our available branding packages and holla at your girls and follow along on instagram